August Babies – HP Lovecraft & the Cthulhu Mythos

A nice summary of HP Lovecraft. For anyone who hasn’t figured out what Cthulhu’s Corner is all about.

Jeanine O'Loughlin

August did not have any compelling holidays to celebrate, so this month I’ll be posting about authors who were born in the month of August.


HP Lovecraft 8/20/1890 – 3/15/1937

Howard Phllips Lovecraft was born in Providence, Rhode Island and is best known for his short horror stories including “Call of Cthulhu” which has since sparked a great many tales, games and other  media around the mythos. Howard was primarily raised by his mother and grandfather after his father was confined to a mental institution when Howard was only 3 years old. His mother was a very overbearing maternal figure and kept him home from school due to illness which may believe were psychosomatic. He did not begin to attend school full-time until the age of 13.

Howard’s grandfather was a businessman who enjoyed storytelling. It’s thought that this was the biggest influence in Howard’s literary pursuits. Many felt that…

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